
Band News

Lets Rock this summer!

We have a couple of shows lined up this summer. Check the shows page! Would love to see you.

What's Up?

Hey friends and family.. It's been awhile. We have been in the studio recording a single for the upcoming punk rock Christmas compilation on Pier Rat Records. That was a ton of fun. We have our semi annual show at Godfathers in May (check out the shows page) we also have a show in Las Vega in August. Look forward to seeing you at the clubs.

Happy New Year !!

Looking froward to playing some music for you in the new year... Check out the shows page and our social media platforms #jusbecausemusic; @justbecausemusik... See you soon

Annual Acoustic Christmas Toy Drive

It's happening friends. Our annual punk rock Christmas show is 12/18. Please bring an unwrapped toy for FREE Admission. We look forward to seeing you at the Pub!

We're BACK!!

Happy 2021 friends and family. We are glad to be back on the road. First stop Fathers Pub in Santa Ana. We've also been busy in the studio so look for some new music coming real soon. Looking forward to seeing you at the Pub.